
BBB's design for a new mixed-use building at Columbia University creates a home for a progressive K-8 school, as well as premier faculty housing and ground floor retail.

BBB's design for a new, multi-use residence hall creates a vertical campus for an internationally renowned music conservatory in upper Manhattan.

33 East 74th Street is a vibrant residential addition to the Upper East Side Historic District, providing contemporary residences behind restored historic facades.

BBB’s sensitive renovation has given new life to a historic residence hall for graduate students, one part of BBB's Campus Renewal Plan for the seminary’s Morningside Heights campus.
A master plan for the American University in Cairo (AUC) offers a vision for campus growth to support both short-term priorities and long-term sustainability for its next 100 years.
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The 1055 Wisconsin Avenue project seamlessly blends new residential and retail components into the heart of Georgetown overlooking the historic C&O Canal. BBB team members visited the site to view progress of Georgetown’s latest condominium residences, located only steps from Washington Harbour, Waterfront Park, and the shops and bistros of M Street. Hany Hassan, FAIA, director of BBB’s DC office, reflects on the project after leading a tour of 1055 Wisconsin Avenue.

Amidst much press and anticipation of the completion of the rehabilitation of the Watchcase Factory into housing, Beyer Blinder Belle's architectural historian Kate Lemos McHale reflects on the historic Village of Sag Harbor and her personal connections to the project.

As the result of a successful collaboration among architects and a large team of specialty consultants, the Gilded Age mansion and former home of Andrew Carnegie has been transformed into a modern museum facility worthy of the impressive collection of historic and contemporary design artifacts that it houses. Beyer Blinder Belle has been involved with the redesign of the Cooper Hewitt National Design Museum for a decade, from the initial planning process in 2004 through the project’s reopening in December 2014.

Articles in the Harvard Gazette and Harvard Magazine take a look at Beyer Blinder Belle’s design for the renovation of Winthrop House, one of Harvard’s neo-Georgian undergraduate residential Houses, as part of the University’s House Renewal program.

Washington Post Architecture Critic Philip Kennicott explores the past and future public face of the State Department with a look at Beyer Blinder Belle’s design for the new U.S. Diplomacy Center, currently in construction.

In his article for Urban Land, writer Sean Slater presents several case studies illustrating the rise of anti-suburban shopping destinations: authentic, urban retail environments purveying locally-crafted goods alongside mass produced merchandise. Among the projects featured is Chicago's 53rd Street retail district, excerpt below:

On May 27, 2016 the Ellis Island Immigration Museum will debut a traveling exhibition from its European Counterpart in Antwerp, Belgium, the Red Star Line Museum. “Via Antwerp: The Road to Ellis Island” chronicles the timeless story of European emigration with powerful testimonies, artifacts, and artwork. The show is being mounted in conjunction with the 100th anniversary of the US National Park Service, which protects and supports Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty.

Docomomo US today announced ten winners of the 2016 Modernism in America Awards program, stating that winning projects “are exemplary of the efforts going on all over the country as the awareness of the importance to advocate, restore and celebrate the architecture, landscapes and typologies of postwar society in the United States continues to expand.”

We are honored that the jury awarded a Citation of Merit for the restoration of The Met Breuer.

After 40 years idle, the historic 1901 Hahne & Company Department Store in downtown Newark has undergone a transformative renovation and will soon be home to a lively mix of residential, retail, commercial, and cultural tenants. Across Broad Street from Military Park – a green oasis in the downtown – and connecting directly with the Newark campuses of Rutgers and the New Jersey Institute of Technology, the redevelopment is poised to serve as a valuable asset to the community as well as a model for urban revitalization and creative place-making.

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